ウェビナー|カリフォルニア:パンデミックがもたらしたオフィス戦略とハイブリッドワークの役割 | Reloredac.com



今回の商業ウェビナー(カリフォルニア編)は、昨年に引き続き、ゲストスピーカーに世界最大のオフィス家具メーカーであり、ワークプレイスのコンサルティング分野において業界をリードしているSteelcaseと、大手テック企業やスタートアップなど幅広いクライアント層を持つオフィス家具ディーラーOne Workplaceを招き、グローバル企業のオフィス再開例やハイブリッドワークの役割を事例を交えながら伺いたいと思います。是非ご参加ください!


【日時】9月2日(木)2:00PM~3:00PM (米国西部時間)


【内容】1. 賃貸市場動向
      ・SJ/SF ベイエリア(Office) 
      ・LA/オレンジカウンティ(Office & Industrial)

    2. パンデミックがもたらしたオフィス事案と戦略の変化

    3. The Power of the Workplace and Its Role in Hybrid Work
       Shawn Mortensen (Real Estate Alliances Northern California – Steelcase)
       Amy Nieva (Market Development Manager - One Workplace) 

    4. Q & A

【言 語】  日英(一部プレゼンテーションとQ&Aは英語で行います。)
【参加費】  無料
【参加方法】 PC、スマートフォン、タブレット等のオンライン端末でご参加頂けます。
【定員】   500名

【お問合せ】 リダックSJ&LA商業不動産部 
       SJ担当: 福井(sfukui@redacinc.com)
       LA担当:杉田(tsugita@redacinc.com)/ 池上(cikegami@redacinc.com)

About Steelcase
Steelcase is the largest office furniture manufacturer in the world. Founded in 1912, Steelcase now has approximately 80 locations and 12,000 employees worldwide. The company designs and produces furniture, furniture systems, architectural products, textiles and ergonomic and technology tools for workspaces, education and healthcare. Our products are sold through a network of nearly 800 dealers across North America, Europe and Asia.

About One Workplace
At One Workplace we create spaces that inspire people and transform organizations. We love to partner with clients to understand how their people work, how they could work better and then shaping their environment to meet those goals. With over 400 Manufacturers, including Steelcase, the opportunities are endless in what we can provide to your Company. We have a dedicated team of Designers, Project Managers and Installers who will manage your entire program. We can bring interior construction, furniture and technology together to design environments to meet your ever changing needs. We work with a variety of clients from Google and Apple to startups who are ready to create their own space for employees.