Corporate Service

U.S. Expat Regulations Benchmark Survey Report

Learn about other companies and use this information to improve your own company

Number of participating companies: 430

This 126-page report analyzes the survey responses of 430 Japanese companies operating in the U.S. regarding their current expat rules and regulations, and summarizes the current situation and issues based on the facts. The report includes not only the rules regarding expat regulations, but also the specific amounts of subsidies for travel expenses, housing, furniture, and automobiles. This is very valuable information because it is rare to know the contents of other companies’ rules and regulations, and it can also be used as a tool to improve your own rules and regulations by learning about the situation of other companies.

Do you have any of these concerns?

  • To confirm the company’s position in the market to determine the direction of improvement

  • Want to review the company’s own rules and regulations with reference to other companies’ examples

  • Need objective data to be submitted to the head office in Japan

Features of the U.S. Expat Regulations Benchmark Survey Report


Tools for an objective view of your company’s expat regulations

Expat regulations not only serve as guidelines to facilitate the life and work of expats, but also serve as the foundation of a company’s overseas development strategy and personnel system. Since it is rare to have the opportunity to learn the contents of other companies’ regulations, knowing how they operate their regulations can lead to insights and improvements in your own regulations.


Be the first to catch trends in expat regulations

This report provides a survey of current trends, from the jurisdiction of the regulations to the specific subsidy amounts for each item, as well as the recent focus on the employment of family members of expats, so that when reviewing expat regulations, no omissions can be overlooked.

Contents of the U.S. Expat Regulations Benchmark Survey Report

A survey for companies conducted annually since 2020. This report is an analysis of trends in rules and operations related to expat benefits such as preparation, rent, transportation, education, and furloughs.

Number of participating companies:430


1.Company Regulations and Housing

2.Car and Personal Insurance


4.Furloughs and Recent Trends


Company A
(Financial Institution)

The combined volume was almost 130 pages, which was surprisingly voluminous! The scope of coverage was so broad that I unintentionally forgot about work and read the report.

Company B
(Pharmaceutical Company)

It was a helpful compilation of useful information to see where we stand. We used this as a reference to revise our own regulations.

Company C

It was very informative to see the extent of subsidies at other companies. I learned that there are various rules that are different from those of my own company, which broadened my perspective in reviewing the rules and regulations.

Company D

I was able to use it as a persuasive material to the Japanese headquarters. I felt it was easy to gain their understanding because the information was objective.